It’s a wonder, given our propensity for war and conflict, that we made it this far. If you’re one who has been in combat then you understand that coming home is a veritable miracle. Coming home intact, physically, is a plus. It points out that, though we are in no way related to , though we sometimes act like apes. I don’t buy Darwin, which will explain the last sentence. Darwin was full of himself and hated religion so naturally . . .
What is the reason we made it this far? It is a question that should not be abruptly answered as it deserves some reckoning and some switching of staid stance that many have. Well, it could be God? It could be that His plan is the only reason this planet is not suffering under the spell of nuclear waste and radioactivity. Could be. I mean, after all, this is His planet, right? Well, mankind certainly didn’t put it here and then put himself upon its surface. Mankind did not show up here as infants either. It’s the fact that we act like infants that is the reason that we are always in strife.
Given our history is there any reason that we shouldn’t wonder whether or not we were created and that since then we have screwed up just about everything we touch. It all goes back to the Garden of Eden. In case you’re wondering, that story is fact. It is just that we are far to sophisticated and learned to understand simplicity in the creative mode. As with everything else, it takes time to unlearn so that we can open the door to wisdom.
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